Exfoliation is an important part of any skincare routine since it helps to remove dead skin cells and reveal smoother, brighter, and healthier-looking skin. However, choosing the right type of exfoliant for your skin type and concerns can be confusing. Here are some tips to help you choose the best exfoliation method for your skin:

1-What type of exfoliant is suitable for your skin type?

Depending on your skin type, you may prefer a physical or chemical exfoliant. If you have sensitive or dry skin, a physical exfoliant may be too harsh, and a mild chemical exfoliant like a fruit enzyme or alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) may be a better choice. On the other hand, if you have oily or acne-prone skin, a physical exfoliant with small beads or a chemical exfoliant with lactic acid may be more effective.

2-How to choose an exfoliant according to your specific skin problem?

Different exfoliants work better on different skin concerns. If you have dull skin, a physical exfoliant with fine particles may help brighten and even out your complexion. Methode Physiodermie Soft Face Bio-Peeling is multi effect scrub : enzymatic and physical thanks to biodegradable soft jojoba beads for soft exfoliation. If you have hyperpigmentation or dark spots, a chemical exfoliant with lactic acid may help fade them over time, in this case, our Micropeeling AHA is a great option.

3-How often should you exfoliate your skin?

It’s important not to over-exfoliate your skin, as this can lead to irritation and damage. If you have sensitive skin, start with exfoliating once a week and gradually increase the frequency if your skin tolerates it. If you have oily skin, you may be able to exfoliate more frequently, but still be sure to listen to your skin and adjust accordingly.

4-What mild ingredients should you look for in an exfoliant?

Regardless of the type of exfoliant you choose, look for gentle, non-abrasive ingredients that won’t damage your skin. Avoid harsh scrubs with large beads or grains that can create micro-tears on your skin.


Our selection of mechanical scrubs

Bio-Gommage Physiodermie

The term “mechanical peel” signifies an active process involving physical abrasion on the skin, typically achieved using a grainy scrub. Our Soft Face Bio-Peeling is suitable for all skin types and offers a triple exfoliation effect. Firstly, the mechanical effect is delivered by exfoliating spheres that unclog pores immediately during massage. Secondly, the enzymatic effect, which breaks down dead cells over a longer period. Lastly, the alginates encapsulate impurities for better elimination, providing a potent peeling effect. Achieving softer, smoother, and more vibrant skin has never been easier with our innovative exfoliating formula.


Our enzymatic scrub

Soft Face BioPeeling Physiodermie

The enzymatic peel utilizes the natural power of enzymes found in select fruits and offers a gentler approach compared to a chemical peel.


Our Chemical Scrub

The chemical peel works by exposing the skin to products that are high in acid, allowing for a deeper penetration compared to mechanical methods. This process effectively removes dead cells and accelerates the regeneration of new skin cells, leaving you with a revitalized complexion.Physiodermie Micropeeling AHA has an ideal pH of 3,5 and a concentration of 5% fto break inter-cellular bonds and accelerate cell turnover without causing irritation. Thus it can even be suitable for sensitive skin types.